Edward assembles an army

Aware of these great preparations, the Scottish Regents, whose army was encamped in the Torwood, near Stirling, directed a letter to Edward, acquainting him that information of the late truce had been sent them by Philip king of France; and that they were willing to desist from all aggression, during the period which was stipulated, provided the King of England would follow their example. Edward did not deign to reply to this communication; but having assembled his parliament at York, in the beginning of November, he communicated to them his intentions as to the continuance of the war; and in the face of the approaching severity of the winter, marched with his army to Berwick-on-Tweed, where he had appointed a body of fifteen thousand foot soldiers, with a large reinforcement from the diocese of York,and the whole military strength of his greater barons, to meet him. So intent was he on assembling the bravest knights and most hardy soldiers to accompany him, that he forbade, by public proclamation, all tournaments and plays of arms, so long as war lasted between him and his enemies; and interdicted every knight, esquire, or soldier, from attending such exhibitions, or going in search of adventures, without his special permission.
