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You can move up and down the timeline using the date bands: the bottom band moves you along centuries quickly and the middle bank moves along decades. Click on individual events to see more details and description.

Timeline of Scottish History

A timeline of events in Scottish History!. Scroll through a growing chronology of events and click on them for more details and links

First Millennium Scotland

  • 43 AD - Romans reach Britain.
  • 79 AD - Romans first invade southern Scotland.
  • 84 AD - Battle of Mons Graupius.
  • 98 AD - Cornelius Tacitus first writes down his account of the Roman invasion.
  • 122 AD - Start of the construction of Hadrian's Wall.
  • 142 AD - Antonine Wall constructed.
  • 185 AD - Antonine Wall abandoned.
  • 211 AD - Scotland abandoned again by the Romans.
  • 305 AD - New Roman campaigns against the Caledonians.
  • 350 AD - Ninian born.
  • 411 AD - The Romans finally abandon Britain.
  • 563 AD - Columba arrives on Iona.
  • 597 AD - Columba dies.
  • 612 AD - Death of St. Kentigern.
  • 664 AD - Synod of Whitby.
  • 685 AD - Battle of Nechtansmere.
  • 795 AD - Skye and Iona raided by Vikings.
  • 843 AD - Kenneth MacAlpin crowned King of Alba.
  • 997 AD - Kenneth III begins his reign as King of Alba. He is known as the brown haired one, and is thought to have been the grandfather of Macbeth's wife Gruoch.

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