How to use Timeline

You can move up and down the timeline using the date bands: the bottom band moves you along centuries quickly and the middle bank moves along decades. Click on individual events to see more details and description.

Timeline of Scottish History

A timeline of events in Scottish History!. Scroll through a growing chronology of events and click on them for more details and links

Scottish History Timeline

Whether its MacBeth or Hardie, the Reformation or Post-war Reconstruction, you are one click away from discovering Scotland's historical wealth.

It's all here - the people, places and events that made Scotland what it is today, in summary form as well as full feature overviews, linked to related places to visit, books and Great Scots. We've broken it down for you by century or by historical period, but you can also search with keywords like a person's name, a place, or even a specific year, which makes this timeline a handy reference for research.

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Scottish History & Heritage Timeline

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