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Meikleour House

Mansion house in private hands that was renovated by David Bryce in 1869. Stands on site of earlier houses dating back to 1162. Most famous for its 100 foot high hedge overlooking the A93.

The house has been occupied by the Murray family hundreds of years and is still used by them, even though it has had different uses including a maternity hospital in world war 2. It is said to be haunted by a young lady.

Betsy Whyte adds that the castle at Meikleour is owned by the Elphinstone family. They allowed half of it to be used during the Second World War as a maternity hospital, mostly for women from Clydebank and other areas that were being bombed. Betsy had her eldest son there. She was alone in a beautiful room which had been decorated by a Frenchman in the 17th century. She heard a rustling noise and thought it was leaves that had blown in through the window (it was November). A year later she was talking about the place with Alec's Belle, who also had a child there. Belle told her the castle was haunted by a crinoline lady whose skirts could be heard rustling. This was what Betsy had heard.

Opening Times

Closed to public, but you can view the huge hedge which is supposed to be the tallest in the world.

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